We would like to announce that the proceedings of HAICTA 2017 are now published online at the CEUR-WS website at
http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2030/ Thank you all for your participation and contribution to our conference. Hopefully to see you at HAICTA 2019.
We would like to announce that Mr. Claus Aage Grøn Sørensen, senior scientist at the Department of Engineering of Aarhus University, Denmark, will be the keynote speaker of HAICTA 2017. You can find more information here. We would like to announce that we have updated the deadlines. The new deadlines are as follows:
Submissions due: May 22, 2017 Notification of acceptance: June 26, 2017 Camera ready paper submission: July 24, 2017 You can find more information here. We are very happy to announce that a second Springer Publication has been confirmed! You can find more information on our Proceedings page.
Hello there! If you haven't mentioned it yet, HAICTA 2017 is on social media! Feel free to like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter or join our group on LinkedIn to keep updated with the latest news and announcements according to the Conference.
Facebook: facebook.com/HAICTA2017 Twitter: twitter.com/HAICTA2017 LinkedIn: linkedin.com/groups/12029713 Due to a setting authors were not able to submit their papers to the ONLINE SUBMISSION SYSTEM. We would like to announce that the system is now open and accepting submissions for HAICTA 2017. For more information on how to submit a paper, please click on the button bellow.
We would like to announce that we have completed sending invitations to potential members of the Scientific Committee for HAICTA 2017. The complete list of confirmed and pending members can be found at the Scientific Committee page of our website. If your name is listed but you haven't received the invitation yet, please check your SPAM folder and don't hesitate to contact us, in case we might have the wrong email address of yours in our database.
We would like to announce that we have changed the deadlines for paper submission, as follows:
April 24, 2017: Submissions due (for every type of submission) May 27, 2017: Notification of acceptance for all submissions July 3, 2017: Camera Ready submission You can find more information on the Important Dates page of our website. We would like to announce that we got an agreement with Springer for publication of the proceedings in CCIS "Communications in Computer and Information Science" conference series. You can find out more information on our Proceedings page. We would like to inform you that we are now officially accept submissions for HAICTA 2017. You can find more information on our Call for Papers page.
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